ZonderZorg also relieves you from home
Like a large part of the Netherlands, our organization chooses to work from home only. ZonderZorg therefore also relieves the professional associations from home by taking over support tasks. Our [...]
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Like a large part of the Netherlands, our organization chooses to work from home only. ZonderZorg therefore also relieves the professional associations from home by taking over support tasks. Our [...]
In view of the tightened measures that have been in force since Thursday 12 March to prevent the further spread of the corona virus, ZonderZorg is forced to postpone events [...]
ZonderZorg nieuwsbrief - oktober 2019 [...]
Written by Wietske Dijkink October 7 & 8 last, Minister Kaag for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation opened the International Conference on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations. [...]
Beste lezer,Hierbij ontvang je de tweede nieuwsbrief van ZonderZorg. ZonderZorg ondersteunt stichtingen en verenigingen in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg (GGZ) en aangrenzende terreinen. Bijvoorbeeld voor de (beroeps)vereniging waar je lid van bent, [...]
Conference review by Marieke van Dam - director RINO amsterdam The beautifully renovated Hotel CASA in Amsterdam almost burst at the seams on Friday 22 March. More than 350 school [...]
Suïcidepreventiecongres 10 september 2021
Op 10 september, gelijktijdig met ‘Wereld suïcide preventiedag’, vindt het Suïcidepreventiecongres 2021 plaats. De Landelijke Agenda Suïcidepreventie is één van de pijlers van het landelijk p...Can’t find a suitable job in our current vacancies, but [...]
Have you always wanted to gain experience at conferences in [...]