About us
You could have guessed from our name: we focus on providing support or as we would say in Dutch “ontzorgen” (ease the burden). We offer several modules where ZonderZorg takes over administrative and organisational tasks. This allows the board of your association or organisation to fully focus on the content matter and secures optimal service for your members.
Our core values
We keep in close contact with experts in the field and make sure that we have all the necessary knowledge and skills. Rest assured that we will always be competent and professional in handling your questions and needs.
Our continuous collaboration with experts and documentation ensures that knowledge and data are stored and accessible. We are always reachable during office hours and are thereby able to maintain continuity in our service.
Cost efficiency
We bill you only for the amount of time that we actually spend on your organisation. In the long run this saves a lot of money in comparison to when you would have to do everything yourselves.
Our mission is to improve the service quality of institutions and associations. We are driven to provide the service that will strengthen your organisation’s structure and position.
RINO amsterdam offers training and inspiration to mental health professionals. The Refresher Courses & Training Department develops, organizes and administers short-term in-service training courses, specialist courses and training routes. At the BIG training department, a team of employees and coordinators manages the education for all BIG training groups and maintains contact with the participants, the teachers and with practical institutions in the region. ZonderZorg is also part of RINO amsterdam, but has its own website because of its specific services.

Our mission
ZonderZorg aims to improve the practice of mental healthcare professionals by providing a supportive role to institutions and professional associations in mental healthcare and adjacent fields.
This allows board members of associations to really focus on the subject matter.