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Eighth CELEVT-congress

Congresstheme: The Art of Thinking, Experiencing and Doing; towards an integration of verbal and body-oriented therapy for early trama and attachment issues [working title] – in collaboration with Hogeschool Windesheim

This congress is about early trauma, attachment, psychology, the brain and biology. About our body, cognitions and emotions. Questions that will be answered are: How does early trauma affect the brain, hormones and DNA? How does our body react? How can we cope with the loss of contact with our own bodies? How can you help someone who isn’t able to talk about his or her trauma’s? In what way does attachment play a role? What does an integrated treatment look like? What can we do about our own experience of our body and traumatic events?

We will introduce one of the keynote speakers:

Prof. Dr. Frank Röhricht is a psychiatrist, body-oriented psychotherapist and medical director Research, Innovation and Educationat the East London NHS Foundation Trust. He is a professor, connected to the Queen Mary University Londen.


The congress program will be published on the website www.celevt.nl later this year. Keep an eye on your mailbox and our website for more information.

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